What is PRK vs LASIK? What does it do?

PRK stands for Photo refractive Keratectomy. Like LASIK, it is a laser vision correction procedure that corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. This procedure may be recommended for patients with certain corneal conditions such as very thin corneas, corneal scarring, or patients who have had previous eye surgery. Although the visual recovery is slower, the outcome for PRK is the same as for LASIK: excellent vision without the hassle of glasses or contacts.

What is LASIK? PRK vs LASIK wave pic

Dr. Manger’s LASIK is an all-laser vision correction procedure that corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea. Dr. Manger uses the most advanced technology available in the United States to perform the LASIK procedure.

What does it do?

First, Dr. Manger uses a wavefront laser to help measure the eye and find all the imperfections in your visual path. Next, he uses a femtosecond laser (Intralase iFS). This laser enables a 100% blade-free procedure and is used to create a thin flap of tissue that is folded out of the way. Once this flap is created, Dr. Manger uses an excimer laser (Allegretto 500, Allegretto 400, or Visx Star 4 with IR) to reshape the corneal tissue underneath. The flap is then positioned back in place and healing begins immediately. Many surgeons still perform conventional LASIK, where the corneal flap is created with a metal blade and a mechanical holding device, called a microkeratome.

Although conventional LASIK has been an effective procedure for many years, Dr. Manger has always remained at the forefront of LASIK technology and uses only All-Laser Custom LASIK technology for LASIK.

How is PRK different from LASIK?

PRK vs LASIK is a procedure in which no corneal flap is made, but rather Dr. Manger removes a thin layer of surface cells from the cornea. Dr. Manger then uses the same treatment lasers used in the LASIK procedures to reshape the cornea to correct the patient’s vision.

There is a slower initial recovery time with PRK than LASIK. PRK patients can expect functional vision the first few days following their procedure, but it may take 2-3 weeks for the vision to become clear. PRK patients may experience some discomfort the first 2 or 3 days following their procedure, and medications are dispensed to help minimize this. Typically, both eyes are not done at the same time with PRK. LASIK patients have both eyes done the same day, experience little if any discomfort, and realize clear vision within the first several hours following their procedure. Unlimately, the final visual outcome with PRK will be comparable to LASIK.

With both PRK and LASIK, patients can return to their daily activities the very next day.

How do I know if I am a candidate for PRK vs LASIK?

If you have been told you are not a candidate for LASIK, always get a second opinion from a highly experienced refractive surgery specialist. Dr. Manger has used PRK vs LASIK to successfully correct patients who were not considered suitable LASIK candidates. During your diagnostic refractive surgery exam, we will determine if LASIK or PRK is best for your individual eye condition.

CLICK HERE to schedule your complimentary evaluation with Dr. Manger and we will give you a recommendation on the best treatment to get you to your best correctable vision.


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