LASIK Eye Surgery – Did you know..

lasik-eye-surgery-photoEvery day, we have patients come into Saddleback Eye Center concerned about how does LASIK work, thinking it will be a long and painful process. However, Dr. Manger and the Saddleback Eye Center staff want to assure you that, in fact, LASIK surgery is performed through a very quick and painless procedure.

The procedure itself lasts about 20 minutes and consists of two parts: Dr. Manger will use the Intralase laser to create the corneal flap or cap. Once that is done, he will then correct your vision with the excimer laser.

Throughout the entire process, you will have a technician right beside you acting as a guide to explain every step of the LASIK procedure and how it works. The recovery is quick and you are back to driving, reading, computer work, and even working out the very next day!

Here’s what some of Saddleback Eye Center’s patients shared at their one-day post-operative exam:

“The whole experience was smooth and painless after. After the surgery they got me a complimentary hotel room.”

“During the procedure (which I must add was smooth and 100% pain free) Dr. Manger & his staff were there the whole time with words of encouragement and support.”

“I am totally amazed how simple the operation went and how the laser is painless. Food and shuttle service to and from the hotel made the trip to Saddleback Eye Center very convenient.”

To schedule a *complimentary LASIK eye exam, give our office a call today at 949-951-4641 or click here to schedule your FREE LASIK Exam now!

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