14-Step LASIK Exam: Test #1 The Auto Refractor

Have you been considering having a LASIK exam with Dr. Manger?  Did you know the LASIK exams at many LASIK centers only last an average of 45-60 minutes? At Saddleback Eye Center, we conduct an extremely thorough, 14-test exam that typically takes 2.5 hours to complete! Not only will your eyes be thoroughly tested, but we will also double and triple check all your measurements to ensure the utmost accuracy of your prescription. 

The first test we perform the day of your LASIK exam is the Auto Refractor, or as we call it, “AR”.  Don’t worry – this isn’t the eye puff test and it is extremely easy for the patient.  The patient will be escorted to our Auto Refractor and will be asked to sit down in front of the machine.  You will place your chin in the chinrest and your forehead against the forehead rest and look into the machine. You will see a picture of a hot air balloon, and, as you focus on it, the refractor will measure the baseline prescription of your eyes.  While this test gives us accurate measurements of your prescription, we still measure your eyes with many more tests to ensure you are an excellent candidate for LASIK and that all test results correspond with each other.

Check back soon for more inside information on each major test we conduct during your LASIK exam at Saddleback Eye Center!

If you would like to schedule a FREE* LASIK exam, or have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 949-951-4641.

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