Glasses: The Struggle is Real

Glasses: Millennials (ages 18-34) have been described as being open-minded, confident, self-expressive, and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. On the other hand, they are also described as self-centered. Their lives are largely based on the use of modern technology, and their day-to-day activities revolve around social media.

That being said, the need for corrective eyewear has become a hindrance now more than ever. Who wants glasses getting in the way of the infamous “selfie”? The solution? LASIK eye surgery.

In the United States, the number of millennials deciding to have LASIK surgery is constantly growing.

The very characteristics that define their generation is the reasoning behind why such a large percentage of millennials are deciding to undergo LASIK:
• They are open-minded to the idea of “going under the laser”- an idea that may be intimidating
• Growing up in the age of technology gives them confidence in the success of this highly technical procedure
• They are tired of corrective eyewear weighing them down, after LASIK they have the freedom to live an active lifestyle and are able to more openly express themselves
• Instead of looking at this generation as self-centered, we should be looking at their choice to get LASIK as one of self-empowerment and investment to improve their quality of life

The younger generation is taking advantage of all that LASIK has to offer. They understand that having LASIK now will save them a lot of money in the long run, as they will be free from the daily grind of glasses and contact lenses. And, they’re not afraid of doing something nice for themselves! The most common comment we hear from our patients in their 50’s and 60’s is, “my only regret is that I didn’t do this years ago!”. Millennials will enjoy the benefits of LASIK for years to come! Whether you are a millennial or not, call (949) 951-4641 to schedule your free* LASIK exam or book a FREE LASIK EXAM here now!!

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