Biggest Donator Of Glasses In Southern California

For the past 20 years, Saddleback Eye Center has been donating hundreds of pairs of unneeded glasses every year from post-LASIK patients to Lions Club International.  Collected daily in a donation bin located in Saddleback Eye Center’s reception area, patients happily donate their old glasses after their post-operative appointment for LASIK vision correction, knowing that their contribution will be gifted to those in need.

During a recent stop to collect the full donation bin of glasses, a Lions Club representative told Saddleback Eye Center staff members that “Saddleback Eye Center donates more glasses than any other LASIK center in all of Southern California!” Considering there are over 500 LASIK centers in Southern California, this statement certainly means a lot. We are proud to be a strong partner in the mission to end avoidable blindness in the world.

Lions Club International is an organization with over 48,000 locations throughout the world.  There are over 1.4 million members who dedicate their time and energy to help improve the lives of unprivileged communities across the globe.  Each Lions Club has its purpose, but the five major causes they support are diabetes education and programs, building a sustainable environment, ending hunger, preventing avoidable blindness, and fighting childhood cancer.

So not only does Saddleback Eye Center help its patients get crystal-clear vision, but they also are dedicated to helping those around the world in need of glasses get the help they need to improve their quality of life!

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