Are you a LASIK candidate?

Are you a LASIK candidate

Whether or not LASIK is right for your eyes and your LASIK eye surgery cost can only be determined by a thorough examination. At Dr. Manger’s office, we conduct the industry’s most comprehensive 14-test diagnostic LASIK exam, which takes approximately 2½ hours to complete.

Not everyone is a candidate for the LASIK procedure; even with the extensive and advanced technologies available to Dr. Manger, he will turn away 20% of LASIK applicants due to general eye health or corneal conditions.

To determine if you may be a candidate for LASIK, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you over 18?
  • Have you had a stable prescription for the past year?
  • Are you nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism?
  • Is your goal to see clearly without glasses or contacts?


If you answered yes to all of these questions, your next step is to schedule your free VIP LASIK exam and know what to expect on the day of your procedure. Dr. Manger will answer any of your questions about LASIK and perform all of the necessary tests to determine if you are a good candidate.

Don’t wait any longer — call us today or schedule your free VIP LASIK exam online! (link to Get Started)

Have you been told you are not a good candidate for LASIK?

Even if you’ve been turned down for LASIK in the past, All-Laser Custom LASIK opens the door to a whole new world with the potential for crisper, clearer vision. Most people who meet the general age and health requirements listed above are candidates for the latest custom LASIK procedures. Many times, eye doctors who do not perform LASIK surgery are not supportive of the procedure, and will tell patients that they are not good candidates for LASIK because they have astigmatism, need reading glasses, or other invalid reasons.

All-Laser Custom LASIK allows more people to enjoy the benefits of LASIK than ever before, as its precision allows Dr. Manger to treat patients who are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism. With All-Laser Custom LASIK, Dr. Manger can treat patients who may have been turned down for laser vision correction in the past, including those with high prescriptions and thin corneas … even those who wear only over-the-counter reading glasses!

Schedule your free VIP LASIK exam today to find out if LASIK is right for you. Your struggle with glasses and contacts may soon be over!


*New patients only. No prior refractive procedures. Offer limited to 10 free VIP LASIK exams per day. Regular fee schedule available at time of consultation.

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