InsideLASIK. A Behind-the-Scenes Look

InsideLASIK Event. If you’re considering LASIK, you’ve probably done some homework. You may have researched LASIK surgeons online and read up on their training and experience. Perhaps you’ve learned a bit about how LASIK is performed or read some patient testimonials. But when it’s time to actually choose your LASIK surgeon, is this information enough? Or do you find yourself wishing for a more insightful and personal experience on which to base your decision?

At Saddleback Eye Center, we think everyone deserves the opportunity to obtain information firsthand and have all their questions answered face to face by none other than the surgeon who will actually perform their LASIK procedure. That’s why each month Dr. Manger hosts FREE InsideLASIK events. You can sign up for our next InsideLASIK event online. As a bonus, you’ll get a certificate for $200 off your LASIKSM procedure just for attending.

In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect at an InsideLASIK event.

Expect Valuable Information
When you arrive, you can take a few moments to enjoy refreshments and find a seat. Then a staff member will introduce Dr. Manger and his staff, as well as patients who have come to share their own LASIK experiences and results.

First you’ll learn some key facts about Dr. Manger’s background, training, and expertise. He is a highly experienced LASIK surgeon who has personally performed more than 75,000 LASIK procedures.1 He also only performs LASIK, unlike most other LASIK surgeons who also focus their time on doing cataract and other vision surgeries. You’ll also learn how Dr. Manger performs 35% of all Orange County LASIK procedures, out of 64 practicing LASIK surgeons in Orange County.2

You’ll then get insights about your options for LASIK surgery here in Orange County. While most LASIK is performed by general ophthalmologists who do less than 3-4 procedures per month, Dr. Manger is the LASIK expertSM in Orange County. He performs hundreds of LASIK procedures per month, and 99.7% of his patients achieve 20/20 or better vision. (The other 0.3% happily see 20/30.)

Expect Powerful, Personal Interaction
Perhaps the greatest benefit of attending an InsideLASIK event is that Dr. Manger is there to personally explain the LASIK procedure, including its benefits and risks. You’ll get information about how the eye works and the different types of vision problems that LASIK can correct—including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and even the need for reading glasses (presbyopia). This information is especially valuable because many people are told that they are not candidates for LASIK. One of Dr. Manger’s goals is to clear up misconceptions about who is, in fact, a candidate for LASIK.

Expect the Low-Down on the Latest LASIK Technology
You’ll also learn about the leading-edge technology and equipment Dr. Manger uses to perform LASIK, and even have the opportunity to take a tour of his laser suite. This gives you the chance to see the technology up close and personal and to ask any questions you might have about the role of each laser during the LASIK procedure.

Dr. Manger has 7 lasers on site that give him the ability to treat a broader range of patients than any other LASIK surgeon in Southern California. He uses 2 femtosecond lasers, which allow him to perform 100% blade-free surgery, and 3 excimer lasers that allow him to provide a custom LASIK surgery for every patient, which ultimately leads to better visual outcomes. He also has 2 WaveScan lasers, which measure the unique imperfections in your eye 25 times more precisely than the measurement used in a standard LASIK procedure.

Expect Insightful Facts
If you’re struggling with fear or uncertainly about any aspect of LASIK, including the possibility of pain or side effects, the InsideLASIK event gives you an opportunity to put your concerns to rest with firsthand input from Dr. Manger.

LASIK is a quick and painless procedure with a fast recovery time. In fact, you will experience clear vision almost immediately, and most people typically resume all normal visual activities the very next day. Side effects are extremely rare and very temporary. They may include fluctuating vision, vision that is slightly less clear at night, and halos and glare that subside as the eyes heal. Some patients also experience dry eye, which is managed using eye drops until it resolves.

Expect Exceptional Quality—and Value
In addition to learning about the unmatched expertise, experience, and state-of-the-art technology that goes into a LASIK procedure at Saddleback Eye Center, you’ll also learn about cost and payment options, including 0% financing and how to utilize Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars for additional savings.

When weighing the costs of LASIK, it’s important to keep in mind that 1 in 6 people who choose a bargain center for LASIK are not happy with their results?3 The bottom line is that the most expensive LASIK surgery in the world is the one that delivers a bad result. So don’t make your decision on cost. What’s more important is that you look at the value of what you are paying for and that you don’t go to a center that cuts corners on one of your most precious senses—your sight. At Saddleback Eye Center, we stop at nothing to ensure we deliver the best Orange County LASIK experience to every patient.

Take the Next Step…
Reserve your spot at the next InsideLASIK event, and save $200 on your LASIK procedure with Dr. Manger as a thank you for attending.. Or, if you are interested in finding out if you are a candidate for LASIK, call Saddleback Eye Center today at 877-351-3937 or schedule your FREE* exam online.


  1. Data on file. Saddleback Eye Center.
  2. Market Scope United States Refractive Atlas, 2014
  3. Price Transparency Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Health of the House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means, 109th Congress, 2nd Sess (2006). (Statement of Ha T. Tu, M.P.A.).
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