3 Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing A LASIK Surgeon

LASIK TechnologyThe Three Mistakes to Avoid are…

Thinking LASIK Is All About The Technology:

  • Since there are only 2-3 different lasers used for LASIK, knowing how to find the best LASIK surgeon with years of experience will ensure a safe and successful surgery. If it was only the technology that was important, everyone would have the same outcomes.  But, they don’t because…
    • There are over 2 dozen decisions your surgeon must make before doing your procedure. Your outcome will only be as good as the best LASIK surgeon in Orange County you choose.
    • Industry experts have said for years, “LASIK is 90% dependent on the surgeon, and only 10% dependent on the technology”.
    • Your outcome will only be as good as the surgeon you choose.

Thinking All LASIK Surgeons Are The Same

Thinking All LASIK Surgeons Are The Same:

  • There are 3 categories of LASIK surgeons:
    • The General Ophthalmologist
    • The Retail or Budget LASIK surgeon
    • The LASIK Expert
  • The true LASIK expert is the surgeon you want, as they are 100% committed to LASIK only. Focusing on only one procedure allows the surgeon to be a true expert in that field.  Surgical outcomes will be better, as that is the only procedure they perform.
  • The General Ophthalmologist typically only performs 5-10 LASIK per month, as they mainly do eye exams and cataract surgery.
  • The Retail/Budget LASIK surgeons will generally be willing to sacrifice quality to lower their prices. The problem with this approach?  If they are going to save you money, they are going to save themselves money as well.  You will never know what corners they are cutting on technology or your care. Make sure to do ample research on LASIK surgery in Orange County before scheduling an appointment with a surgeon.

Only Basing Your Decision On Price:

  • LASIK is not a retail purchase. It is not a mass-produced product, and you will not get the same outcome no matter where you go.
  • It is important to find out how many LASIK procedures the surgeon has performed, and their documented success rate. It is normal to have fears and reservations about LASIK in Orange County. But keep in mind, you want their statistics for LASIK, not for all the procedures they may perform.
  • You can either have great quality, or a cheap price. You cannot have both.  Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for with LASIK surgery.  You only have one pair of eyes, and you need to do it right the first time.

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